OWL Caring for Children
Banking Details
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 62772325893
Branch Number: 254005
OWL Caring for Children NPC (OCFC) provides equipment and treatment for children with disabilities. We currently service children with a wide range of impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions caused by disability. Since people with disabilities face barriers in accessing the health and rehabilitation services they need, OWL Caring for Children NPC aims to support our community of disabled children and children who come from previously disadvantaged backgrounds and assist in alleviating the financial strain placed on the families due to their complex needs.
Your donation helps us help many families in need of life-changing special needs resources.
Donation Options
We offer options for a once or donation or to set up a monthly debit order. Please select from the choices below.
Please note that requirements will populate as you select the relevant options.
Should you wish to donate towards a specific child use the child’s name as reference.
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 62772325893
Branch Number: 254005